Hello world

This example shows you how to set up a Uv workspace using uv2nix.

It has the following features:

  • Creating package set from uv.lock

    With a virtualenv that can be built using nix build

  • Development shells

    • One using nix to manage virtual environments

      With dependencies installed in editable mode.

      Enter this shell with nix develop .#uv2nix

    • One using uv to manage virtual environments

      Enter this shell with nix develop .#impure


  description = "Hello world flake using uv2nix";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";

    pyproject-nix = {
      url = "github:pyproject-nix/pyproject.nix";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

    uv2nix = {
      url = "github:pyproject-nix/uv2nix";
      inputs.pyproject-nix.follows = "pyproject-nix";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

    pyproject-build-systems = {
      url = "github:pyproject-nix/build-system-pkgs";
      inputs.pyproject-nix.follows = "pyproject-nix";
      inputs.uv2nix.follows = "uv2nix";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  # Disclaimer: Uv2nix is new and experimental.
  # Users are expected to be able to contribute fixes.
  # Note that uv2nix is _not_ using Nixpkgs buildPythonPackage.
  # It's using https://pyproject-nix.github.io/pyproject.nix/build.html

  outputs =
      inherit (nixpkgs) lib;

      # Load a uv workspace from a workspace root.
      # Uv2nix treats all uv projects as workspace projects.
      workspace = uv2nix.lib.workspace.loadWorkspace { workspaceRoot = ./.; };

      # Create package overlay from workspace.
      overlay = workspace.mkPyprojectOverlay {
        # Prefer prebuilt binary wheels as a package source.
        # Sdists are less likely to "just work" because of the metadata missing from uv.lock.
        # Binary wheels are more likely to, but may still require overrides for library dependencies.
        sourcePreference = "wheel"; # or sourcePreference = "sdist";
        # Optionally customise PEP 508 environment
        # environ = {
        #   platform_release = "5.10.65";
        # };

      # Extend generated overlay with build fixups
      # Uv2nix can only work with what it has, and uv.lock is missing essential metadata to perform some builds.
      # This is an additional overlay implementing build fixups.
      # See:
      # - https://pyproject-nix.github.io/uv2nix/FAQ.html
      pyprojectOverrides = _final: _prev: {
        # Implement build fixups here.

      # This example is only using x86_64-linux
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;

      # Use Python 3.12 from nixpkgs
      python = pkgs.python312;

      # Construct package set
      pythonSet =
        # Use base package set from pyproject.nix builders
        (pkgs.callPackage pyproject-nix.build.packages {
          inherit python;
            lib.composeManyExtensions [

      # Package a virtual environment as our main application.
      # Enable no optional dependencies for production build.
      packages.x86_64-linux.default = pythonSet.mkVirtualEnv "hello-world-env" workspace.deps.default;

      # This example provides two different modes of development:
      # - Impurely using uv to manage virtual environments
      # - Pure development using uv2nix to manage virtual environments
      devShells.x86_64-linux = {
        # It is of course perfectly OK to keep using an impure virtualenv workflow and only use uv2nix to build packages.
        # This devShell simply adds Python and undoes the dependency leakage done by Nixpkgs Python infrastructure.
        impure = pkgs.mkShell {
          packages = [
          shellHook = ''
            unset PYTHONPATH
            export UV_PYTHON_DOWNLOADS=never

        # This devShell uses uv2nix to construct a virtual environment purely from Nix, using the same dependency specification as the application.
        # The notable difference is that we also apply another overlay here enabling editable mode ( https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/development_mode.html ).
        # This means that any changes done to your local files do not require a rebuild.
        uv2nix =
            # Create an overlay enabling editable mode for all local dependencies.
            editableOverlay = workspace.mkEditablePyprojectOverlay {
              # Use environment variable
              root = "$REPO_ROOT";
              # Optional: Only enable editable for these packages
              # members = [ "hello-world" ];

            # Override previous set with our overrideable overlay.
            editablePythonSet = pythonSet.overrideScope editableOverlay;

            # Build virtual environment, with local packages being editable.
            # Enable all optional dependencies for development.
            virtualenv = editablePythonSet.mkVirtualEnv "hello-world-dev-env" workspace.deps.all;

          pkgs.mkShell {
            packages = [
            shellHook = ''
              # Undo dependency propagation by nixpkgs.
              unset PYTHONPATH

              # Don't create venv using uv
              export UV_NO_SYNC=1

              # Prevent uv from downloading managed Python's
              export UV_PYTHON_DOWNLOADS=never

              # Get repository root using git. This is expanded at runtime by the editable `.pth` machinery.
              export REPO_ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)


name = "hello-world"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Add your description here"
readme = "README.md"
requires-python = ">=3.12"
dependencies = [

hello = "hello_world:hello"

requires = ["hatchling"]
build-backend = "hatchling.build"

dev = [


In the interest of keeping documentation conceptually simple, no Flakes framework such as flake-utils or flake-parts are being used for this example.